Online therapy is the delivery of your usual therapy via a secure video link. The only difference between online therapy and face-to-face therapy is you are not in the same room as your therapist.
Online therapy is already in use by many practitioners as well as the NHS. The current evidence suggests this can be as effective as face-to-face therapy.
I am currently using VSee. It is free to use, encrypted and does not allow others to access your information. This is more secure than using Skype/FaceTime. Further information on VSee can be found at their website
I am offering this service to all clients who would like to use it in preference to face-to-face sessions. I will also move all sessions to this in the future if required to do so to allow continuity of your treatment.
I appreciate that not everyone may be able to access online therapy at their usual appointment time. I plan to offer flexible appointments, including evenings.
If you wish to move your appointment online, or have any questions about online therapy please contact me at